Apr 20, 2012 | Blog
MCR went to downtown Memphis to repair a bleach stain. The homeowner was renting our the property and decided that he wanted to sell. After the tenants moved out he discovered a bleach stain in the hallway. He found MCR online and gave us a call to see if there was...
Apr 19, 2012 | Blog
MCR was called out to re-stretch some carpet in this rental home. Stretching carpet not only extends the life but enables it to be cleaned more thoroughly. The renters in this home had moved out so MCR went in and took care of the stretching before having the...
Apr 17, 2012 | Blog
MCR was called out to this home in Arlington, Tn to repair a transition from carpet to laminate floor. The damage was originally caused by a cat that tried to dig his way out of the bedroom. Another repair guy was called and patched the damaged area and over time...
Apr 16, 2012 | Blog
We all know that rental properties take abuse, especially on the carpet. The result for this rental home was a seam that was coming apart and frayed. The damage was so extensive that in the worst spot the backing was peeling away from the carpet. Not in a position...
Apr 12, 2012 | Blog
These homeowners had terrible ripples in two rooms of their house. The master bedroom and play room for the grand kids. These ripples can not only be annoying to look at but they can be a hazard as well. Especially for young children. MCR went out and streched the...